George “Gus” Isaac

“I left Myers, and after two and a half years on the front lines, I came home and lived with the scars of war alive inside of me. So many others never came home.”

C. C. Grant

“Honor, respect, and devotion to duty are the core values of the Coast Guard Academy. Coach George gives you a glimpse of what it’s like to be a coach, father, husband, and son. Great book and outstanding read.”

Rona Simmons

“A memoir that is at once a dying father’s and a son’s, a wife’s and a daughter’s. Filled with moments that break your heart and others that send your soul skyward, in Home Fields, Bill George paints a delicate tribute to his family, to the game of football, to the...

John Loose

“Home Fields is a must-read story about how family history shapes the life of a father, son, and college football coach and the enduring love of family in the most challenging situations. Coach Bill George served as a positive mentor that influenced and shaped...

Jeffrey Colt

“Bill George’s Home Fields provides all readers with an emotionally compelling story whose core reflects selfless commitment to family, faith, and country. He brilliantly shares his broad personal experience in roles as leader, coach, teacher, proud patriot, husband,...